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all patches that use arpeggio are dead silent/muted?

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all patches that use arpeggio are dead silent/muted?

Postby stacyiphone » Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:48 am

Out of the box.. going thru preset banks.. i noticed some were empty.. i thought that was weird..
upon further investigation I see it's the banks that use the arpeggio.. and any sound that DOES work, once I hit the arpeggio button.. it goes quiet..
the arpeggio is acting like a mute button.

Any clue what's up with this?
I'm simply following the "create a bass sound" on page 6 of the "creating sounds" pamphlet that came with it.. but it claims I'm supposed to be hearing the techno bass sound of Preset B-1.
I pull up B1.. it's muted.. when I turn arpeggio off.. i hear the bass sound.. if I hit arpeggio, it's back to muted..

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Re: all patches that use arpeggio are dead silent/muted?

Postby rodan » Mon Apr 09, 2012 3:36 pm

I had a similar problem with sonar. It has been awhile but I think I just had to set up the midi correctly in sonar. If it's not set up to send the correct midi to the gaia then the arpeggiator will not run and you will get silence. You will probably want to look into the midi start stop and timecode settings in pro tools. Sorry I can't be more help then that. You may need to ask on the protools forums for that.
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Re: all patches that use arpeggio are dead silent/muted?

Postby themesser » Thu May 17, 2012 3:05 pm

did you check the midi clock source on the gaia ? that should be it
update to 1.03 would also fix some issue related to midi
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Joined: Thu May 17, 2012 4:16 am

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