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What is V-Link?

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What is V-Link?

Postby rob » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:30 am

The instructions say that V-Link is allows u to hook your GAIA (via midi) to a V-Link compatible device. And that this will let you enjoy a variety of video effects.
What kind of device is V-Link compatible?
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Re: What is V-Link?

Postby Rigil » Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:09 am

I looked into this with another keyboard I have that uses v-link. I fancied doing a light show live at a gig. Turned out that the piece of kit required was very limited and nobody I could find stocked it. Cost was about £500.
It was all rather too expensive.

I can use a lower cost projector with sound to light circuits for a much cheaper light show.
That was about a year ago, so maybe something else may now be available.
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Re: What is V-Link?

Postby gaiaadmin » Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:30 pm

Yeah V-Link seems pretty useless and unsupported to me. I wonder how much money we pay to have that blue glowing button, and whatever circuitry is under it, installed in our synths!
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Re: What is V-Link?

Postby samatron » Fri Dec 23, 2011 10:14 am

V-link works through the MIDI out port. Your device sends MIDI signals to trigger light events just as it would trigger notes.
You aren't paying any more for V-link as it uses the same ports and tech you use for MIDI sound...
I'd love to go for one of the Edirol v-jay toys.
They've got a video sampler, but just released a video synthesiser.
Wouldn't mind going for one of the samplers...sounds like fun!
I've heard people using Ableton to do v-jaying.
It is all rather expensive...
ideally you need a video device (sampler/synth) - £600
a video mixer - £1000
a projector - £1000
It's all viable, but I'd get someone to specialise in v-jaying rather than try to be Dr Octopus and do it all!
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